Your Programmes


{{ $ratings_count[0] }} {{ $ratings_count[1] }} {{ $ratings_count[2] }} {{ $ratings_count[3] }} {{ $ratings_count[4] }} {{ $ratings_count[5] }}

The numbers in white represent the amount of programmes that we have for each evidence level.

Evidence or rationale for programme Description of evidence Description of programme EIF rating
Multiple high-quality evaluations (RCT/QED) with consistently positive impact across populations and environments Established Consistently Effective 4
Single high-quality (RCT/QED) with positive impact Initial Effective 3
Lower-quality evaulation (not RCT or QED) showing better outcomes for programme participants Formative Potentially Effective 2
Logic model and testable features, but not current evidence of outcomes or impact Non-existent Theory-Based 1
No logic model, testable features, or current evidence of outcomes or impact Unspecified 0
Evidence from at least one high-quality evaluation (RCT/QED) indicating null or negative impact Negative Ineffective/harmful -
Programmes not yet rated, including those rated by evidence bodies whose standards are not yet mapped to the EIF standards, and submissions from providers or local areas of innovative or promising interventions TBD TBD ?

YOUR SEARCH RESULTS{{ (!empty($inputs['s']) ? ' FOR,
"' . e($inputs['s']) . '"' : '') }} ({{ $content_count }})

@if (!empty($content)) {{ $paginator->appends($inputs)->links() }}
@foreach ($content as $result)

@if (!empty($result->text)) {{ $result->title }} @elseif (!empty($result->title)) {{ $result->title }} @else - @endif

Age: {{ (!empty($result->age) ? $result->age : '-') }}

@if (!empty($result->rating))

Rating: 1 2 3 4


Rating: TBC

@endif @if (!empty($result->validated_by) && !empty($result->validated_by['links']))

Assessed by: @foreach ($result->validated_by['links'] as $house => $link) {{ $house }}@if ($result->validated_by['last'] !== $house), @endif @endforeach

@endif @if (!empty($result->outcomes))

Outcomes: @foreach ($result->outcomes as $outcome) {{ $outcome['title'] }}@if (!$outcome['last']); @endif @endforeach

{{ $paginator->appends($inputs)->links() }}
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