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What information have we already collected about programmes?

To start things off, we have reviewed the contents of a number of key, authoritative bodies of evidence and summarised their findings about which programmes work, using a single set of standards of evidence.


In order to create a single overview in an accessible form of the programmes that are available or have been extensively tested. We have not attempted to revalidate existing reviews, but rather to summarise across these bodies of evidence to create a single searchable archive.

How have we categorised programmes?

We have categorised these programmes in terms of the standard of evidence achieved, the outcome impacted and the age of recipients. We have looked at outcomes in 9 key domains:

  • Mental Health
  • Abuse and Neglect
  • School and Employment
  • Crime, Violence and ASB
  Evidence Programme Recommendation for commission provider
5 Consistently positive Consistently effective Take to scale (subject to local feasibility and appraisal)
4 Positive Effective Commission and evaluate
3 Tentative Potentially effective Pilot and evaluate rigorously
2 Non-existent Theory based Track performance and outcome measures
1 Non-existent Unfounded Develop logic/measurement model
- Negative Ineffective/harmful Redesign / Avoid / Decommission

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